Strategy For Scratch Offs

Make games, stories and interactive art with Scratch.

  1. Strategy For Winning Scratch Offs
  2. Strategy For Picking Winning Scratch Offs
  3. What Is The Trick To Winning Scratch Offs
  4. Strategy For Scratch Offs

Here I give you some every simple, but powerful, techniques for winning more on scratch off cards and on the main lottery draws.

To win on the lottery you need a sound strategy and a good dose of luck. To win the jackpot requires a lot of luck. However, it is possible to greatly increase your odds of winning small to medium prizes consistently simply by following some easy-to-follow mathematically-based principles and twinning them with a technique called “number wheeling”. Let’s see how to do that now.

  • For a scratch free car. And continue with the effective strategy of ‘test, track and treat’ that yielded rich dividends at the height of the pandemic.
  • Any brand can get lucky, but the ones that stand out over time have a plan. Here are 7 steps every brand should take to develop a content strategy.


  • Scratch Off Winning
    • How to Win the Lottery Scratch Off Game Using Mathematics
  • Main Lottery Winning
    • How to Win the Lottery – 10 Tips That Work
    • 6) Keep the Same Numbers
      • 10) The “Secret Sauce Technique” – 1 Weird Trick to Win the Lottery
    • Can a Book Really Show You How to Win the Lottery?
    • So, How Do You Win the Lottery?

Scratch Off Winning

Although it is the main lotto draw game that attracts the most sales this is not actually where the most money is won on the lottery.

Watch 7 Time Winner Reveal Proven Scratch Off Tips

Scratch offs, also known as scratchers, pay out more in daily prizes than some lottos pay out in the main weekly draw and are thus becoming ever more popular amongst professional lottery players.

Over the decades some very sophisticated and highly effective methods for winning lotto prizes have been developed by mathematicians and professional gamblers that increase a player’s chances of winning prizes in the main lottery draws.

Likewise, these same professional lottery players have developed and tested strategies for winning on the scratch offs as well.

Learning How to Win Scratch Offs vs Learning How to Win The Lottery

Not a lot of people realize that by following some very practical steps, and using mathematical formulas designed to lessen your risk and increase your odds, many people have won huge prizes on the main lotto draws.

What’s more many of those who used such an approach have done it more than once winning multiple times. Some of them even teach others how to replicate their success.

Therefore it should not be surprising to you that there are also people who have won multiple big prizes on scratchers and that there are those among them who can show you how to win too.

By following the specific steps outlined below a player can dramatically increase their odds of winning on scratch offs.

The reason why many professional players tend to target scratch offs over the main draw is simple: scratchers are much easier to win.

The chances of winning even a small prize in the main lottery are extremely low compared to your chances of winning a scratch prize.

Some lotto draws offer terrible odds, such as the powerball which gives you odds of 1 in 175 million.

Even in a normal 6/49 game you will only have a 1 in 14 million chance of winning.

Compare these statistics to those of most scratch games which typically give you odds of 1 in 4 of winning a prize.

Even before you use mathematical based techniques to manipulate these odds to be more in your favour it is obvious that you have a better chance of winning a prize on a scratch off.

When you use proven scratcher techniques to improve these odds even further you can be assured of winning prizes and almost guarantee yourself a healthy profit for your effort.

One of the best ways to increase your odds in a normal lotto draw is to use lottery number wheeling as it is a proven technique that has is responsible for creating hundreds of millionaires.

However, when it comes to playing scratch offs different tactics are needed.

How to Play Scratch Offs & Win

Obviously due to the better odds scratch offs are by far the easiest lottery to win, although it is disputable whether this is the best way to win the lottery in general (because there are techniques that can be used to beat the main lotto draws).

It is, however, most definitely the fastest and easiest way to win prizes over any other type of lottery game.

How to Win the Lottery Scratch Off Game Using Mathematics

Below is a detailed guide demonstrating how to play scratch offs in ways that are proven to increase your odds of winning.

As you read each step it will become evident how it works and why it works.

Be sure to follow all the steps as closely as possible.

Step 4 and 5 are the only steps you can interchange. All other steps must be followed completely.

Step 1: Start to Think Like a Winner

It is vital that you start to think like a winner.

Set a budget and stick to it!

That’s what winners do.

Only losers spend rent money gambling.

Only losers spend grocery money on tickets or neglect their children and responsibilities in the hope that they can double their money.

Winners do take risks but they take calculated risks.

When you follow the steps in this system you will start to win money but at the outset you should only use money that you can afford to lose.

Starting small does not mean you will continue having small wins.

In step 6 you will learn how to leverage your winnings to grow your pot and get richer. You can do this with a small initial stake by simply reinvesting your winnings instead of spending them.

Step 2. Choose Your Game

What are the Best Scratch Offs to Play?

The first step in knowing how to win a scratch off game is to know which scratch off game to play.

Not all scratch offs are created equal.

Usually the scratch games with the biggest pay-outs have the worst odds. You should avoid playing these unless you can buy them in bulk following step 3 through 5.

Chose a scratch game that has odds of winning that are at least 1 in 4.

You can identify a game’s odds simply by looking at the back of the card.

Try to buy lower costing cards so you can get more for your money but only if the odds are at least 1 in 4 and there are fairly good prizes on offer.

Step 3. Buy Only One Type of Scratch Game at a Time

Once you have chosen the game you will play it is vital you buy only scratch tickets that play that game.

Many players make the mistake of mixing there scratch cards by buying a few different types in the belief they are diversifying their holdings. But, this is the wrong approach.

If a scratch off has a 1 in 4 chance of winning then on average every fourth scratch card will be a winner. That means if you buy 8 of the same scratch games from the same batch at least 2 of them should be winners.

So when you purchase your tickets make sure you get them all from the same batch and the same store and at the same time.

You won’t believe how following this simple step will dramatically increase your winnings.

Step 4. Play Only Once Per Week

In the last step you learned how buying your tickets all at once from the same batch can dramatically increase your odds of having a few winning tickets.

Well you can increase your chances even more and also increase the chances of having bigger amounts on your tickets by simply pooling your stake money.

Instead of buying a few tickets every day or every other day keep that money until the end of the week and then buy all your tickets at the same time.

Step 5. Try to Play Only Once Per Month

Just as playing only once per week will give you an advantage, playing only once per month will give you an even bigger one.

You will increase your chance of landing some tickets with bigger amounts on them if you play only once per month and also greatly increase your chances of having more winning tickets because you will have greater purchasing power.

By using your monthly stake money to purchase your tickets all at the same time you will greatly increase the likelihood of landing some nice wins.

A Word of Warning
Before you jump into this step refer back to step 1 !!!

Make sure you save your monthly stake. Do not jump the gun and buy your monthly tickets in week 1…wait until week 4 when you have saved the cash!

Remember you are forming the habits of a winner.

Winners set rules and follow them. It is vital you stick to this advice as it will ensure you do not end up spending money you need for essentials and it will also guard against possible future squandering of your winnings.

As you start to win money and are tempted to spend it randomly on more tickets you will see just how important setting a budget is.

Step 6. Leverage Your Wins

If you start off with a very small amount of money as your stake you should reinvest all your winnings back into your pot.

With each passing week/month your stake money will grow as you win more and as you add that new month’s budgeted money to your stake.

When you reach a sizable stake amount you can start to reinvest half your winnings back into your stake while you spend the other half. This way you will still be growing your stake money while starting to enjoy the benefits of your wins.

Use the “Winning Scratch Off Lottery Strategy” & Watch Your Life Change

There you have it. That’s how to win lottery scratch offs; it’s all about mathematics and following a simple plan.

As you can see a lotto scratch game is the best lottery to play for immediate wins compared to the higher stake games.

Once you start winning good amounts of money playing on the scratch offs you can begin to invest your winnings in lottery systems for Powerball or other lotto games. However, if you want to go large and have bigger wins you will need a strategy designed to beat the main lotto games like pick 6, pick , pick 3, mega millions etc., but you should be able to get good leverage from following the information on this page.

You now know how to win at scratch offs by playing smarter while playing less often.

You can get the infographic outlines how to win on scratch offs.

Main Lottery Winning

What do a 4-time, a 5-time & a 7-time lottery winner have in common? Well apparently they all used a simple mathematical strategy to help them win the lotto, not once but, multiple times.

According to several sources, one of whom is a multiple winner himself, this mathematical strategy is so powerful that using it in its simplest form and making one simple tweak in how you play your ticket can reduce the odds against you from 14 million to 1 down to half a million to 1.

These odds then get slashed considerably more when when you start to actually apply science behind the nuts & bolts of his lotto system.

But, are these claims just “pie in the sky” ramblings of a mad man or just plain downright lies told by charlatan?

To answer those questions we must delve deeper into the science behind “the system“!

How to Win the Lottery – 10 Tips That Work

The way you play your numbers in any lottery game is by far the most important thing to consider when you want to increase your odds of winning.

Here are some simple steps you can take to automatically increase your chances of winning a prize.

1) Play the Hot Numbers

In any lotto game that draws numbers you will find the certain balls are drawn more often than others.

These are called “hot numbers”.

As hot numbers appear in winning lines more often than other numbers you should use those hot numbers in your picks.

2) Avoid Cold Numbers

Just as there are hot numbers that appear more often than other numbers there are also “cold numbers”.

These are balls that appear less often than the other numbers.

As cold numbers appear less often in winning lines you should avoid those numbers in your picks.

3) Avoid Obvious Patterns

Avoid picking obvious patterns like numbers that run consecutively, in a row like: 1,2,3,4,5,6.

Also avoid picks that run horizontally or that jump in sequences of numbers such as picking every second number or picking every third number.

Why should you avoid patterns?

You should avoid them for 2 reasons:

  • Obvious patterns rarely come up on winning lines.
  • Because thousands of other people pick those patterns if your pattern actually does come up you will have to share your prize with thousands of people and that will greatly reduce your winnings.

4) Mix it Up

Try to choose a good mixture of single digit numbers and double digit numbers.

5) Stick to Your System

Strategy For Winning Scratch Offs

Don’t keep changing things up. Only playing your system occasionally is not a good strategy for winning prizes.

Once you have a good strategy in place you should continue to use it consistently.

Be sure to use a system that has been proven!

6) Keep the Same Numbers

Stick to the numbers you start with.

When you use the same numbers every week (playing your numbers according to the lottery secret sauce described below) you will give yourself a much higher chance of winning not just one prize but multiple prizes in the same game.

7) Don’t Miss a Play

I’m sure you have herd of people who missed out on a huge lottery win because they didn’t enter their numbers in the draw that week.

Don’t let that be you!

8) Don’t Aim for the Jackpot

Never play with the aim of winning the jackpot. Instead aim to win lots of medium sized and small sized prizes.

Using a proven system that will continually give you small and medium wins is often better than winning just 1 jackpot prize.

If you can win a hundred thousand dollars, or a few thousand dollars consistently isn’t that better than just 1 big win?!

9) Play Smarter Not More Often

It is the way you play the game that makes the difference in the lottery not the amount of tickets you buy.

Buying more tickets does not give you a better chance of winning.

Do you know that if you buy 14 million quick pick or randomly selected (the way you normally play) tickets you have no more chance of winning the jackpot than someone who bought just 1 ticket?!

The only way to increase your odds in the lottery is to use the Secret Sauce technique mentioned below.

10) The “Secret Sauce Technique” – 1 Weird Trick to Win the Lottery

Relying on luck to win on the lottery is a fool’s folly. You may have heard before that the lottery is not really a game of luck but a game of probabilities.

Well this is true. But what does that mean and how can you benefit from it?

Without going into the insanely complicated mathematics of probability let me just explain how to use it to win the lottery!

There are 2 things to do when you use the lottery Secret Sauce technique:

a) What is the Secret Sauce?

What is the Lottery Secret Sauce? The Lottery Secret Sauce is – number wheeling!

Wheeling numbers allows you to play more numbers than you normally would. By using specifically designed “number wheels” you can play all those numbers in just one draw. This may not sound like it will make that much of a difference but when you use a wheel that has just 1 extra number in a 4 from 49 lottery your odds of winning the jackpot come down from 1 in 14 million to 1 in half a million – with just 1 extra number (you can wheel as many you want). Imagine what wheeling 2 extra numbers will do or 3 or 4 or 5 or …

b) Get a Proven Wheeling System

Multiple lottery winners did not win more than once by chance. Most of them wheeled their numbers using a proven lottery winning system that taught them how to do it. If you are serious about winning you need to invest in educating yourself about how to do this. The good thing is that, although explaining how it works is complicated, actually wheeling your numbers is incredibly simple – all you have to do is choose the numbers you want to play and then fill in the wheels. The wheels give you the combinations you then need to enter into each line/entry.

Example of a Lottery Wheel

Additional Trick to use with the Lottery Secret Sauce

The more numbers you wheel the higher are your chances of winning lots of prizes and big prizes.

The only drawback though to using the lottery secret sauce technique is that when you use lottery wheels you will need to buy more tickets than you usually buy (this is not the same as buying more tickets using your normal method for picking numbers).

So, when using The Lottery Secret Sauce technique it is therefore a good idea to start or join a lottery pool (known as a lottery syndicate in the UK).

By joining or starting a syndicate you will have access to more funds to wheel more numbers and thus be able to buy more wheeled tickets. You may think this is not necessary but do you realise that you can actually literally guarantee a lottery win by simply wheeling every single number?!

Can a Book Really Show You How to Win the Lottery?

So you want to know how to win the lottery?

If you do then you are not alone. Landing a top prize on the lotto is the dream of many.

Watch 7 Time Winner Reveal Proven Scratch Off Tips

It really signifies an instant life change (which is not always for the better).

And although becoming an instant millionaire may bring with it its own problems let’s be honest, who doesn’t like free money?!

But before you start dreaming of how you will spend all that filthy cash there is one nagging concern that needs to be addressed; can you really predict winning lottery numbers and guarantee yourself some easy cash or is it all just a load of baloney? Is it possible to learn how to win the lottery or is every win just down to blind luck?

Well in this post it is my aim to answer the aforementioned questions and several others related to winning the lottery that you may not even have thought of.

If you would rather get to the nuts & bolts of winning lottery systems click here.

Can You Be Taught How to Win the Lottery?

Firstly, let’s address the main questions: is it really possible that a simple lottery book can teach you the complicated mathematical formulas needed to win the lotto or that a piece of computer software can do all that number crunching for you? Can using the formulas these systems are based on really guarantee a lottery win?

Do such formulas even exist?

If we assume that winning lottery systems do indeed exist and that such mathematics is within the capabilities of us mere mortals, (and that non-genius types can use it), how do we go about learning how to win the lottery?

Let’s find out!

Does Richard Lustig Really Know How to Win the Lotto?

Ever since the game was invented there have been maverick “entrepreneurs” and mathematical whiz-kids battling to beat the immense negative odds offered in the lotto.

Although almost all of these aspiring lottery masters ended up as “losers”, in every sense of the word, it seems that a small percentage of them did indeed succeed in winning huge fortunes.

With the likelihood of dying, before the draw even takes place, being greater than landing a jackpot prize almost everyone believed that these cases were just anomalies or mere coincidence.

However, when a math professor won five times and a Stanford Statistics professor won four times some people began to wonder.

I mean, could it really just be mere coincidence that a guy with a PhD in Mathematics won the top prize 5 times and a gal with a PhD in Statistics beat out the lottery 4 times?

It is no wonder the lottery companies began to take notice.

Then, when an ordinary guy with no mathematical background at all, and who wouldn’t know a pie chart from an apple pie, beat out odds of 175 million to 1 – a whopping seven times to win 7 top lottery prizes lots more people started to take notice.

Richard Lustig claims that through trial and error he taught himself how to win the lottery. And with 7 wins to his name it is difficult to believe that he is lying or merely disillusion.

How to Win the Lottery Lustig Style

It seems that some past winners have developed lottery systems. In other cases they have been shown how to win the lottery through systems. These systems work to lower the massive odds stacked against a player in lotto games.

You see in a standard 6 from 49 lotto draw the odds against you are approximately 14 million to 1. In Powerball the odds are even worse at approximately 175 million to 1 against you.

Click Here for more info

But by working with mathematics, and through the manipulation of the law of probability, lotto master players have been able to reduce those insane odds to a much more favorable number. In fact they were able to reduce the odds by many, many millions.

Richard Lustig currently offers monthly mentoring to wanna-be lotto winners. As Lustig has 7 wins under his belt he certainly has the credentials needed to teach others how to win.

Statistics professor Joan Ginther has 4 win s under her belt demonstrating that math can be used to sway the odds more in the favour of the player. It seems pretty obvious that these guys know something that ordinary players do not. It would appear that they really have discovered how to win the lottery on a consistent basis.

When you consider that that there are many different systems available and lots of past winners you remain anonymous or don’t talk about their winning strategies how many more winners might there be who have used such systems?

Think about it: is it possible that a huge percentage of lottery winners are actually using mathematical or statistical formulas to help them win? If that is the case then anyone who is not using a system is merely feeding the prize fund and has an almost zero chance of winning.

Unfortunately, if you are not doing something to increase your odds then you most definitely are just feeding the prize fund for people who are increasing their odds.

So, How Do You Win the Lottery?

Okay, so the stories of past winners using lottery systems to win are inspirational. While at the same time playing the lottery in the normal way now looks like a depressing waste of time.

And it all sounds interesting but how can this information help you in your quest for lottery mastery?

How can you avoid being a “prize fund feeder” and actually start winning some money instead of helping to pay for someone else’s dreams?

How to Win the Lottery Guaranteed

You Mean It’s Possible to Guarantee a Lotto Win?
Do you want a sure-fired 100% guaranteed way to beat any lotto draw whenever you want (every week if you want to)?

Don’t think it’s possible to guarantee a jackpot win?

Think again!

It is absolutely possible to guarantee a jackpot win on any lottery.

In fact, you could win this week’s 6 from 49 draw easily and have zero chance of losing.

All you need is $14,000,000!

It may be true that if you had $14 million to spend on lottery tickets you wouldn’t need to win any money anyway.

However, syndicates in the past, made up of millionaire business men, have done just that investing huge sums of money on tickets in order to secure lottery jackpots.

Obviously they didn’t rely on sheer luck.

The 1 Weird Technique That Creates Winners

So what is the one weird technique that a lotto player can use to beat the odds and start winning on the lottery?

Well its the same simple technique used to guarantee a jackpot win!

By using a technique called number wheeling, and by waiting for a large rollover, these syndicates guaranteed a jackpot win (along with multiple medium & small prizes) to ensure they got a profit on their investment.

The reason for the $14,000,000 ticket price was that they had to buy all possible permutations in order to cover every possible outcome thus guaranteeing a jackpot win.

Although it is interesting, and dare I say inspiring, to learn that you can actually guarantee a lottery jackpot win it is of little to no use to us mere mortals who do not have $14 million to invest and who don’t have mega rich friends willing to lend us the money.

So how do you win the lottery without having to break the bank?

Is it possible to win on the lotto using a system that does not require a huge financial investment?

Many past lottery winners say that it is!

How You Can Use The “Secret Sauce Technique”

There are software applications, phone apps and even lottery books that teach the foundational mathematics needed to wheel numbers and thus reduce the fantastical odds against you.

Such aids can teach you how to wheel enough numbers (to cover more possible outcomes in a draw) to reduce your odds of winning from approximately 14 million to 1 against you down to half a million to 1 against you for as little as $28 in lottery tickets.

Still not great odds but a huge advantage over other players all the same. However, you will dramatically increase your chances of winning multiple medium and small prizes to ensure you make a profit from your plays.

When you wheel even more numbers the money required to play (your stake or ticket costs) will increase but you will increase your chances of winning big prizes also.

And the great thing about wheeling numbers is that you do not just increase your chances of winning the jackpot you also explode your odds of winning small and medium size prizes also.

How to Win the Lottery With a Pool/Syndicate

Because wheeling requires you to spend more money on tickets it can be costly to the individual player. Learning how to win the lottery involves more than just number crunching.

For this reason we always advise aspiring lottery winners to either join a lottery pool, A.K.A. a lottery syndicate, or create a new one.

Click image to learn why syndicates win more often. It’s not what you think!

Obviously if you create your own syndicate then you can start wheeling numbers from the outset without the need to convince people that you know how to win the lottery.

However, if you join an existing syndicate the members may take some convincing that wheeling works. You may find that many people in existing syndicates are reluctant to change from their current strategy, which most likely is not working, to your winning wheeling strategy.

Try telling them that you know how to win the lottery and they will probably laugh at you.

It is vital that you succeed in this endeavor though if you want to win money. You must convince any syndicate that you join that you can teach them how to win the lottery by using wheeling systems.

If you join a syndicate that refuses to wheel their numbers leave it. If you cannot find enough people to create your own syndicate then, find another one that is willing to follow your advice.

Teaching your syndicate how to win the lottery with wheeling systems is the only way you can ensure you beat a system that has been designed to make sure you lose. Get a system that works here.

Scratch off cards have come a long way since the 1970s when the first card was released by the Massachusetts lottery. There are now thousands of cards to choose from at lottery retail outlets across the country. You can now also play these games online. States with regulated online casinos and online lottery games give you access to online scratch offs. These add colorful themes and entertaining gameplay to the original idea.

Prizes for scratch offs can be huge. Retail cards with $1 million+ top prizes are available. Online you can win10,000x your buy-in or more in multiple games.

This page has everything you need to get the best from online scratch offs. This includes information on which states offer them via regulated casinos, the most popular games, and how the online games compare to the retail scratch offs we know and love.

Online games with games like scratch offs

Real money scratch off casinos

Legal online casinos are already available in many states. With regulation and licensing underway, the list of states where you can enjoy online scratch offs is growing. You will find them alongside slots, table games, virtual betting games, and video poker.

The current list of states with online casinos includes New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and West Virginia. Some states also have online lottery games – residents of Michigan can access scratch offs via the Michigan lottery website. National and international brands partner with local casinos in the regulated states. They develop apps that can host hundreds of different games. You can enjoy scratch off and novelty games at brands including BetMGM, FanDuel, andSugarHouse casino in New Jersey.

Online scratch games are an ideal way to take advantage of casino bonuses. Real money online casinos in the regulated states offer a mix of no deposit bonuses, matched welcome bonuses, and ‘no lose’ deals based on your first day’s play. While table games and video poker are often excluded from bonus clearing, online scratch offs contribute 100% to your bonus play-through target.

Keep in mind that the ongoing benefits are important. Once you find a casino online that offers the mix of scratch cards, slots, and other games you enjoy – those loyalty rewards and player promotions will make a big difference to your bankroll over time.

Popular online scratch off games for real money

Online scratch offs allow for play over multiple ‘rounds’. They have entertaining themes, quirky gameplay and sometimes add elements from ‘gems’ type mobile games or even sports into the mix. The core of these games is the same as retail scratch offs — only with a lot more features.

The examples of online scratch offs below show how diverse these games are. Many of them can be accessed in demo-mode, allowing you to find the games you like best before you commit to playing scratch offs for real money.

1. Color Cubes

This IGT online scratch off is loosely based on mobile gems games. You start by selecting a stake between $1 and $10. A grid then fills with colored blocks. You have 8 ‘turns’ where a block is selected and you are awarded all the matching colored blocks which are joined to the selected one. These can be auto-selected, or you can click each time. To the left of the blocks are the prizes. You collect blocks in groups to fill lines – and can win up to $250,000. Bomb symbols explode to give you all the adjacent blocks. Star symbols supply instant wins.

2. Ghostbusters: Spectral Search

This online scratch off takes the familiar 3×3 grid idea to a new level. It is based on the Ghostbusters movie franchise. You get five picks to match as many ghosts as possible. The Stay Puft man has the biggest prize of 15,000x your bet. If you find Slimer you get an instant win. Other ghosts have prizes for between two and four of a kind. The animations are amazing for this game, with the different monsters coming to life on the screen. You can pick a location to search or take one at random.

Strategy For Picking Winning Scratch Offs

3. Medieval Money: Dragon’s Loot

Instead of scratching to reveal pictures, you get to catapult rocks at a medieval castle in this game. Each rock you throw will smash a hole in the walls, revealing gems. These move to the left, where they accumulate in lines triggering prizes. The top prize is 25,000x at $10 per ticket, or 15,000x at $1. There is a bonus game, which is triggered if you reveal a dragon. You get to pick from three piles of treasure, which will give you either more gems or an instant win.

4. DoublePlay: Super Bet

You need to match three symbols to win in this online scratch off from UGT. These symbols include red sevens, stars, bells, and lucky horseshoes. The big win potential comes in when you get three of the logo/badge symbols. This will trigger five free games at the same bet size used for your current card. For those five games, the prizes are tripled. This boosts the top prize (for three diamonds) from 1000x to 3000x. Bet sizes for DoublePlay SuperBet range from 3c up to $50.

5. Irish Eyes 2

You will see a classic Irish redhead on the 3×3 grid of this game. It is a classic scratch off format, where you must match three symbols to win a prize of up to 1000x your bet. Those symbols show classic luck of the Irish symbols. They include a four-leaf clover, leprechaun’s hat, and a pipe. If you are lucky enough to find pots of gold, then you win five free games. These are based on the bet amount of your triggering card, with a multiplier added to each win.

6. Medusa Scratch

In Greek myths, the Medusa was a hideous creature whose hair was made of snakes. This NextGen online scratch off uses a far more glamorous picture. This game uses the classic nine squares, with prizes awarded for matching three of the symbols. Those symbols include buildings, coins, and warriors. You can click on each square in turn, or auto-play, which reveals them all instantly. Get three logo symbols for five free cards with 3x win multipliers.

7. Merlin’s Millions Scratch

Merlin was the wizard involved in the legends of King Arthur. The version used by NextGen for this online scratch off has a friendlier demeanor. This is a classic scratcher game setup, where you need to match three symbols from a grid of nine to win a prize. The top prize (for matching three Merlin symbols) is a generous 1000x your triggering bet. If you match three orbs, you get three free cards, where all of your prizes are doubled.

8. The Price is Right: Come on Down

You will recognize the logo from the famous TV game show, though the gameplay is brand new. There are two main games, and two bonus games to enjoy. You set your bet, then click two rows of prizes. If you match three cash amounts, that is what you win. The second game uses squares with question marks. They show objects with prizes – here you win the ones in gold. If you get three mountain signs in either game, you play a ‘cliff hanger’ bonus game. There is also a wheel spin bonus called ‘Showcase Showdown’ which gives you a shot at winning up to 100x your original prize.

9. The Voice Scratch Off

This online scratch off is based on the TV talent show. It shows a row of seven red chairs, with prizes above each. You get seven rounds, with each round seeing between one and four of the chairs turning around. They reveal one or more colored music notes, which line up in rows above the chair. Prizes are triggered when you hit the top of each column. You can also receive instant wins.

10. Wheel of Fortune: Winning Words Game

There are two phases to this scratch card style game. You spin the iconic Wheel of Fortune wheel to start. This gives you three prizes – one for each predetermined word. You then see a row of cards, which flip to reveal letters. If you complete your word, you win that prize. The designers of this game keep you on edge by making sure one or more words only needs a single letter to complete. There is an additional random bonus wheel round, where your wins can be multiplied.

Virtual scratch offs vs Lottery retailer games

Many online scratch offs closely resemble the gameplay of their physical counterparts. There are some significant differences, especially when it comes to the complexity of the gameplay and the ability to have extras like bonus rounds or win multipliers.

Here are some of the key reasons to enjoy online scratch offs:

  • Flexible bet sizes: It is rare to find a retail card at less than $1. Online, your bet sizes can be anything from a few cents up to $50.
  • Bonus games: Spin a wheel to get a win multiplier or find the right symbols to win five free games at 3x on all wins. Online scratch off bonus games are varied, as well as potentially very profitable.
  • Instant play: No need to get a coin and rub off the symbols one by one. Online cards let you reveal all the symbols at once, so you can get straight on with the next game.
  • Novel graphics: Retail cards cannot give you the option to throw rocks at a castle — or spin a wheel to get a mountain climber moving upwards.
  • Casino bonuses: The online casinos that host scratch offs will offer bonuses for new players. They can include no deposit deals, matched welcome bonuses, and special promotions.
  • Mobile play: Access scratch offs from anywhere via your iPhone or Android smartphone with online casino apps.

Here are the key advantages of retail scratch offs:

  • Availability: You can buy retail lottery tickets and scratch offs in most states. The online versions are currently only available in a handful of states.
  • Charity: State lotteries are set up to provide funding for good causes including education, veterans, and the environment.
  • Jackpot potential: Retail cards can have huge top-prizes, with the biggest being $1 million or more.
  • Remaining wins: In some lotteries, the proportion of cards with big wins with each design is published. This allows you to be strategic in your choices.
  • Huge choice: Online casinos have a handful of scratch offs, some lotteries have 20+ games to choose from, with new/seasonal cards appearing all the time.
  • Control: Since you need to head to your local lottery retailer to buy scratch offs, there is less temptation to gamble with money you cannot afford.

How do I increase my chances of winning?

You can’t. The odds are stacked against you. To demonstrate this, we’ve provided a chart below comparing the odds on the highest paying scratch tickets across the US.

What Is The Trick To Winning Scratch Offs

Odds of winning top prize across the US

StateLottery Corp.TicketPriceTop PrizeTop Prize Odds
Alabama No lottery
Alaska No lottery
Arizona Arizona Lottery$200 Million Cash Explosion$20$2.5 million1 in 2,273,203
Arkansas My Arkansas LotteryUltimate Millions$20$1 million1 in 570,000
California California Lottery$10,000,000 Bankroll$30$10 million1 in 3,000,000
Colorado Colorado Lottery$3,000,000 Mega Money$30$3 million1 in 600,000
Connecticut CT LotteryConnecticut Millionaires Club$20$2 million1 in 912,000
Delaware DE LotteryMoney Frenzy$25$250,0001 in 150,000
Florida FLA Lottery$15,000,000 Golde Edition$30$15 million1 in 6,473,610
Georgia GA LotterySuper Max the Money$30$10 million1 in 4,200,00
Hawaii No lottery
Idaho Idaho Lottery100x The Cash$30$300,0001 in 167,118
IllinoisIllinois Lottery$2,000,000 Jackpot$20$2 million1 in 2,040,000
Indiana Hoosier LotteryUltimate Multiplier$50$5 million1 in 2,018,460
Iowa IA Lottery$300,000 Platinum Cash$30$300,0001 in 125,754
Kansas KS LotteryPremier Cash$30$250,0001 in 103,778
Kentucky KY LotteryGold Rush$30$3,000,0001 in 2,400,000
Louisiana Louisiana LotteryMoneybag Multiplier$10$200,0001 in 404,667
Maine Maine Lottery$50,000,000 Cash Blowout$25$50 million1 in 2,600,000
Maryland MD LotteryRose Gold Black$30$2 million1 in 1,237,463
Massachusetts Mass LotterySupreme Millions$30$15 million1 in 7,560,000
Michigan MI LotteryRoyal Millions$30$4 million1 in 2,110,772
Minnesota MN LotteryMega Crossword$20$300,0001 in 487,216
Mississippi MS LotteryMega Ca$h$20$200,0001 in 24,273
Missouri MO Lottery$3,000,000 Golden Ticket$30$3 million1 in 1,610,160
MontanaMontana LotteryLoaded$30$500,0001 in 80,000
Nebraska NE LotteryUltimate Bonus Crossword$20$200,0001 in 90,000
Nevada No lottery
New Hampshire NH LotteryGranite State Platinum$25$2 million1 in 522,996
New Jersey NJ Lottery$3,000,000 Ultimate Riches$25$3 million1 in 2,904,673
New Mexico NM Lottery$200,00 Fortune$10$200,0001 in 628,755
New York NY Lottery$5,000,000 Mega Multiplier$20$5 million1 in 4,449,600
North Carolina NC Lottery$10,000,000 Colossal Cash$30$10 million1 in 3,960,000
North Dakota No scratch offs
Ohio Ohio Lottery40th Anniversary Millions$30$10 million1 in 1,585,311
Oklahoma OK Oklahoma Lottery$250,000 Explosion$20$250,0001 in 881,550
Oregon Oregon LotteryDiamond Crossword$10$100,0001 in 114,811
PennsylvaniaPA Lottery$3,000,000 Money Millionaire$10$3 million1 in 1,200,000
Rhode Island Rhode Island Lottery$500,000 Payout$30$500,0001 in 86,404
South Carolina South Carolina Education Lottery$500,000 Jackpot$10$500,0001 in 660,000
South Dakota South Dakota Lottery100x The Money$20$400,0001 in 150,000
Tennessee TN LotteryGigantic Jumbo Bucks 300X$30$4 millionNot Available
Texas TX Lottery$200 Million Ca$h$20$5 million1 in 1,357,585
Utah No lottery
Vermont VT LotteryMega Bucks$25$60,0001 in 183,000
Virginia VA LotteryExtreme Millions$30$10 million1 in 1,366,523
WashingtonWA LotteryJackpot Fortune$30$2 million1 in 905,940
West Virginia WV LotteryMoney Bags$10$5,0001 in 12,000
Wisconsin WI LotteryWisconsin Millions$30$1 million1 in 160,000
WyomingNo scratch offs

If you’re playing online, the outcome is controlled by random number generator software, which means you cannot affect your chances. There is no strategy involving betting more after losing or varying your bets in specific ways that will influence how often you win. As with all games, the house edge is a mathematical fact.

You can do this by playing only with money you can afford to lose, making sure you are not showing signs of problem gambling, and finding the games that are entertaining to play — then seeing any wins as an extra.

History of scratch offs

Strategy For Scratch Offs

The concept of instant win games started with Pull-Tabs. All this would change in 1973 when two inventors — John Koza and Daniel Bower — combined forces to create the first modern scratch off games. There was more to this than simply creating a surface to scratch. Math was needed to develop games that had fair returns and to randomize the outcomes for the lottery operators.

Scientific Games was created in 1974 to market the new cards. This company went on to become one of the biggest names in gambling. Their modern brands include Bally, WMS, and Barcrest slots — Shuffle Master for devices for casino table games. The first cards were produced for the Massachusetts lottery, though they would soon become hugely popular across multiple states with lottery games.

Cards are now created by lotteries across the country. A new format saw these cards move online in the early 2000s. With online casinos not available in every state in the USA, it is only recent state-level regulation that has seen them become available. You can enjoy game show themed novelty games, cards which are closer to the original concept of revealing three matching symbols online.