Martingale Roulette Success Stories

  • Martingale Roulette Odds
  • Martingale Roulette System Review
  • Martingale Roulette Success Stories
  • Martingale Strategy FAQ

Martingale System Success Stories – How to Win every time with the Martingale Strategy. I have stayed away from roulette so far because of the odds, but I can't help roulette be tempted to play It just looks like fun. Nothing wrong with it? He even brought along two friends to watch him break the bank. He bet Banker all the way. Scenario 1 – Roulette wheel spins black and my friend wins and doubles his money, I of course lose mine after betting on red. End result is we walk out with $20,000 dollars between use. Scenario 2 – Roulette wheel spins red and I win and double my money, my friend loses their stake after betting on black. End result is we walk out with $20,000 dollars between us.

  1. Reverse Martingale Roulette Success Stories; Reverse Martingale FAQ; Nearly all negative progression betting systems have a reverse strategy, thus making them positive progression systems. One of the oldest is the reverse Martingale roulette strategy (which is also known as Paroli). For those who are unfamiliar with the classic Martingale, it.
  2. Has anyone had success/losses with the Martingale system? I'm thinking about trying out the Martingale system via online roulette in my spare time. I'm typically not a roulette player, because I don't like random chance, I prefer to play poker or black Jack when I gamble as I understand the games and you know when the odds are in your favour.
  3. Martingale Roulette Success Stories We’ve established that Martingale is a high-risk betting strategy and with the stipulations that casinos enforce regarding table limits, it makes it even more difficult to implement successfully. Yet, there still have been many Martingale roulette success stories heard through the years.
Martingale is a simple double up betting system that originated in France sometime in the 18th century. In this article we will show you how the Martingale roulette strategy works. We will also explore the pros and cons, so you can judge for yourself if it’s the best online roulette strategy for you.
The Martingale roulette strategy is still very popular today with many new players using it without realising it. However, rarely will you find experienced roulette players employing the classic Martingale. That information alone should tell you something is fundamentally wrong with it.

Martingale Roulette Odds

Let’s start at the beginning and explain how the Martingale roulette strategy works, then we can assess its strengths and weaknesses. The classic system is a negative progression betting strategy, this means you increase the size of your stake each time you lose.
In the case of the Martingale system, you must increase your stake by double the amount of the previous losing bet. Therefore, if you started with a £1 stake and have a string of losing bets, the size of your stake would increase like so:
No. of spins
Stake Amount12481632641282565121024
The theory behind the standard Martingale betting system is that eventually, you will win. By doubling up the bet each time, when you do finally land that win, you’ll be in profit to the value of 1x your initial skate. In our example, this would mean you win £1.
No. of spins
Stake Amount1248163264128
Profit / Loss-1-3-7-15-31-63-1271
It’s important to note, that Martingale roulette odds do not affect the house edge in any way. All variants of roulette, whether it is French, European or American, favour the casino in the long term.

Martingale Roulette System Review


You should only use the classic Martingale on the outside bets that pay out at 1:1. These are: red/black, hi/lo numbers and odd/even. With these bets you have a close to 50% chance of winning, 48.65% to be exact on a single zero European wheel.
With that in mind, the theoretical logic behind this roulette betting strategy is reasonably sound - based on you having an infinite amount of money and an infinite number of spins. However, no one has an infinitive pile of cash and even if you did, the casino is one step ahead because every roulette table has a maximum bet limit. So, in practice, you are most likely to either run out cash or hit the table limit, at which point when you win, you won’t return a profit.
Our Martingale roulette system review discovered that supporters of this method state how unlikely it is to lose 5 times, or 10 times in a row. We decided to do the maths for you. According to the standard probabilities calculations, you stand a 3.57% chance of losing five games in a row. That number lowers to 0.13% for losing 10 games in a row.
No. of spins
Chances of losing (%)51.326.313.56.953.571.830.94.480.250.13
A vital flaw in this thinking is that the previous spin has no bearing on the one to follow. It can be debated that because every spin is totally independent and the roulette wheel has no memory that each spin remains at the probability of 51.3% of losing. Certainly, when you apply the law of large numbers, it will balance out very close to that percentage, but for short sessions, this is not a safe yardstick to measure success or failure by.

Martingale Roulette Success Stories

We’ve established that Martingale is a high-risk betting strategy and with the stipulations that casinos enforce regarding table limits, it makes it even more difficult to implement successfully.
Yet, there still have been many Martingale roulette success stories heard through the years. And let’s be honest, if it was a total dud, it wouldn’t be spoken about 200 years after it was first invented. So, how is it possible to make the classic Martingale work for you?
First of all, play short sessions. The longer you stay at the roulette table, the greater the chances are of you hitting a dreaded losing streak that you cannot cover. If you’re betting £10 a game, set a win target of £50 or £100. When you hit that amount, log out from the casino. It’s easy to get sucked in thinking that today is your lucky day. We’ve all been there. The cold hard facts are, the maths don’t lie. There will come a time when the casino calls to collect. The feeling of losing £300 or £400 is actually far worse if you were previously up and didn’t stop when you should have.
Other players have had success with Martingale by starting on low limit tables. For this to work you need a good online casino that offers a variety of roulette tables each with different bet limits. You also need to have the bankroll (which goes without saying) and lastly, you need patience. The strategy works by starting on £0.10 games, so that is all you are winning each cycle (hence needing patience). Because you are on a low limit table, if you go on a losing streak and approach the maximum bet limit, you simply swap over to a new table which offers higher limits. You need to have faith that eventually you will win, and it can be a hair-raising experience placing a large bet just to return a £0.10 profit.
There are also little tweaks players have thought up, such as the Double Martingale. We’ll discuss those in another post, however. Overall, you do need to be careful using this system, but it does have its moments and it can be good fun when the casino gods are on your side.

Martingale Strategy FAQ

Who should use the Martingale strategy?

Due to its ease of use - this strategy is perfectly suited for beginners and more experienced players alike. However, it's worth keeping in mind that the cost of bets can rise quickly - which isn't too ideal for players starting out.

What is the advantage of the Martingale?

Mathematically, the strategy is near full proof - the wheel will always land on one of the two colours over a certain number of rounds.

What is the downside of the Martingale strategy?

If you have a long losing streak of bets, the cost to keep up can quickly rise. Table limits can also stop you from meeting the betting requirements, ensuring significant losses.

As part of the Gamblers Pro ‘Ask Us Anything’ series, we’re answering the question “Is the Martingale system banned?” We received this question from Sherley in the UK, who claims she recently had a bonus revoked when she used the Martingale roulette strategy. We won’t name the casino in question, but we will answer Sherley’s question.

First – What is the Martingale System?

For those of you who aren’t already aware, the Martingale system is a popular betting system most commonly used in roulette. Although some people do use it in blackjack, and it can even be used in football and financial betting, we’re talking about the Martingale roulette system today.

How does the Martingale system work? Part of its appeal is its simplicity – you simply double your previous bet until you win. Theoretically, in the end, you’ll win back everything you’ve lost plus your original stake.

Here’s an example of the Martingale system in action. Let’s say we are betting on red or black.

Bet One: Player bets £1 on red and loses. Total losses = £1.

Bet Two: Player bets £2 on black and loses. Total losses = £3.

Bet Three: Player bets £4 on red and loses. Total losses = £7.

Martingale Online Roulette

Bet Four: Player bets £8 on red and win. Total wins = £16.

So, you’ll win back everything you’ve lost (£7), plus your current stake (£8), plus your original stake (£1), for a total of £16.

If you still don’t fully understand how the Martingale system works, here’s a video of it in action:

Now that you know how the Martingale system works in online roulette, let’s answer Sherley’s question.

Is the Martingale System Banned?

We’ve reviewed plenty of online casinos on this site, and played at hundreds more. We’ve used the Martingale system at many of them, and we have never yet been banned or suspended for doing so.

Do you want to know why? It’s because the Martingale system doesn’t work in the long term. It’s a ‘get in and get out’ strategy, and while it can lead to short term profits, you will still lose in the long run.

There are two simple reasons for this:

Table Limits. Eventually, you’ll run into them. Even when playing high stakes roulette, you will come up against a table limit eventually. When you do, you won’t be able to double your previous bet and the Martingale system will be rendered useless.

Roulette odds. The human mind is a funny thing. We believe that because it has come out black x amount of times in a row, a red is ‘due’. Yet, you have the same odds of winning any red or black, or any other roulette bet you choose to make, on any spin. The Martingale system does not change the odds one iota.

There are lots of Martingale system success stories on the internet. Take them with a pinch of salt. There’s a good chance they’re either marketing ploys by online casinos, or they are stories written by lucky roulette players who won in spite of the Martingale system and not because of it.

Is Martingale Roulette Legal

The same goes for the reverse Martingale strategy. None of these roulette systems work because you can’t beat roulette with anything other than luck.

Does the Martingale system work? No. Is it banned? Also no – at least not at any legitimate online casinos we are aware of. Why would they ban something that’s no threat to them?

So, Why Did Sherley’s Bonus Get Revoked?

Sherley, we highly recommend you don’t play roulette at the casino which revoked your roulette bonus again. It sounds to us like they were looking for an excuse to not pay your winnings. While you didn’t say if you were up money or down, we’d guess that you were winning, and this casino has made up an excuse not to pay you.

Martingale Roulette Success Stories

There’s no reason whatsoever why the Martingale system should be banned. Since it doesn’t help you as a player, the probability is that there was something in the terms and conditions that prohibited using bonus money for even money bets. Still, it seems harsh to ban you and revoke your bonus just for that. We’d have a look at some other online casinos instead.

Until the next instalment in our ‘Ask Us Anything’ series, play safe, and may lady luck be with you.

Martingale Blackjack Success Stories

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